Since its creation in 2011, one of OCEMO’s first tasks was to launch a survey into the expectations of young people,which was first carried out in the Marrakesh-Tensift-Al Haouz region in Morocco. This survey was designed to improve underst anding of young people in the Mediterranean and their expectations, with the primary aim of implementing targeted cooperation programmes (e.g. MedNC).
After a data collection and analysis phase, OCEMO is starting to draw the first lessons learnt from the survey results and has implemented a series of specific actions to create networks and promote distribution and cooperation, under the heading of “Underst anding Mediterranean Populations and Regions”, known as “Côté Med”, with two components:
- distribution;
- and cooperation.
Find all these publications on our page OCEMO debates.
- The experimental survey processing group: In 2014, OCEMO and its partners began processing individual anonymised data by setting up a group of Moroccan and French researchers from partner bodies, including Marrakesh University, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University in Tetuan (Tangier), ONDH, FEMISE GREQAM, LEST-CNRS, University of Toulon-Var, IRD, CNAM, etc.
- Distribution of analysis results: regular publications (OCEMO debates - tools designed to inform a wide audience) and occasional publications (in scientific journals - contribution to research) to present the early results of work.
- Contribution to public policies: workshops started in 2014 for OCEMO members and the scientific community to help institutional players improve the targeting of their actions.
- Training: at the request of Southern partners, OCEMO launched a first training session on tools for accessing the results of the statistical research, in order to facilitate the work of researchers and students at Marrakesh University based on the results of the OCEMO survey in this region. OCEMO organises training for university lecturers and researchers of all disciplines, for use of the STATA software and the main statistical procedures used for processing the survey. A h andbook and library of examples have also been produced;
- Participation in the creation of a Regional Youth Observatory: following the results of the first survey and the success of OCEMO’s cooperation initiatives for its initial application in Morocco, the Marrakesh region asked OCEMO to take part in the creation of a Regional Youth Observatory. A project similar to the survey which has already been carried out is being prepared. This will involve interviewing some of the employers of the young people surveyed, in order to improve underst anding of the conditions under which a link between the two can help young people access employment;
- Exchange of best practice: OCEMO’s expertise is made available to other bodies who are also seeking to improve their underst anding of young people in the Mediterranean.
Next steps
The Moroccan National Human Development Observatory (ONDH) is the main partner of the Marrakesh-Tensift-Al Haouz region for this programme and asked OCEMO to repeat the experiment in the Tangier-Tetuan region. If this project is confirmed, it will not only provide information for comparison between different regions, underlining the reason behind the project, “Underst anding Mediterranean Populations and Regions”, but also extend the programmes, by adapting both the knowledge and cooperation components to the local context.
Download all documents relating to OCEMO’s Côté Med program (iconography, PDF, reports…)
Pierre Massis
Tel : +33 (0)4 95 09 47 81